Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bookish Bingo Summer 2016

Going to do this one. I'll see how many squares I can get. Sign up here.

bookish bingo
Hi everyone! It’s time for another Bookish Bingo! The purpose of this challenge is to push our reading horizons a little bit, as well as to push us to just read more in general. I hope you join us!
The Details:
  • Every new season has a new bingo card. This one is for books read in the months of June, July and August.
  • The object is to get as many BINGOs as possible (five across, up and down, or diagonal)
  • One square per book
  • You do not have to review these books, or even have a blog, this is simply for books read during the allotted months
  • At the end of August there will be an international giveaway for all participants. The more BINGOs you get, the more entries you get in the giveaway!
  • To participate, simply leave a comment!
The Card:
summer bingo

Here is what I have read:
  1. Middle Grade: Walk Two Moons--Sharon Creech
  2. Over 500 Pages: Great Expectations--Charles Dickens
  3. Free Space: Yes Please--Amy Poehler
  4. Aussie Author: The Husband's Secret--Liane Moriarity
  5. Folklore or Myths: Deep Blue--Jennifer Donnelly
  6. Food in Title or on Cover: A Sheetcake Named Desire--Jacklyn Brady
  7. Name In Title: Will Sparrow's Road--Karen Cushman
  8. Red Cover:  We Should Hang Out Sometime--Josh Sundquist
  9. Starts With S, U, M, E, or R:  The Makeover Murders--Jennifer Rowe
  10. Mental Health:  Loud in the House of Myself--Stacy Pershall
  11. Yellow Cover: Philomena--Martin Sixsmith
  12. Magic: Fairest--Marissa Meyer
  13. Part of a 4+ Book Series: The 5th Horseman--James Patterson
  14. White Cover: Such a Pretty Fat--Jen Lancaster
  15. Outdoors: The Girl Who Chased the Moon--Sarah Addison Allen
  16. Water on the Cover: The Weekenders--Mary Kay Andrews
  17. Weather Words in Title: The Summer Wind--Mary Alice Monroe
  18. F/F Romance:  On the Count of Three--Maureen Johnson
  19. A Book About Books: Fangirl--Rainbow Rowell
  20. Historical Setting 1900s to 1950s:  The Lake House--Kate Morton
  21. PoC MC: Things Fall Apart--Chinua Achebe
  22. Political Intrigue: Gorky Park--Martin Cruz Smith
  23. Monsters: Some Monsters Are Different--David Milgrim
  24. 2016 Debut: Monterey Bay--Lindsay Hatton
  25. June, July or August Release:  Being Jazz--Jazz Jennings
Challenge completed on August 11

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